Facials, Chemical Peels & Medical Grade Skin Care
in Florida & Georgia

Premium Skincare, Long Lasting Results

We understand the desire for a healthy, glowing complexion. Sometimes, traditional over-the-counter products don’t do enough or don’t give you the results you’re looking for.

Our wide range of facials, chemical peels, and medical-grade skincare is designed to meet your unique needs so you can feel confident in your skin.

Ready to invest in healthier and more vibrant skin? Schedule a consult with MakeOver Aesthetics today. 

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Boost Your Confidence with Vibrant Skin

Our treatments go beyond pampering. It’s an investment in smoother, healthier, and brighter skin to feel like your most radiant self. Some key benefits of our facials can include: 

  • Deep cleansing & exfoliation: Remove dirt, excess oil, and dead skin cells.
  • Improved hydration: Retain moisture in your skin.
  • Acne treatment: Remove excess oil, unclog pores, and soothe inflammation.

Our Facials

Whether you’re struggling with dry and dehydrated skin or need to get rid of dead skin cells, our facials are designed with your needs in mind. Our goal is to leave you with glowing, radiant, and healthier skin.

If you have dry and dehydrated skin, the Nutri-Facial was designed with you in mind. This treatment helps to soften and tone your skin with algae plant extracts, antioxidants, and moisturizing masks. Using natural ingredients such as yogurt, chamomile, and chocolate, your skin can get the maximum benefit. 

For best results, laser treatments require dedicated aftercare. We recommend the following:

  • Protect your skin with SPF 30 sunscreen for 1-2 weeks.
  • Gently cleanse with lukewarm water and fragrance-free cleansers to avoid irritation. 
  • Keep your skin hydrated with a gentle moisturizer. 
  • Avoid harsh products for at least 2 weeks.  
  • Use a cool compress to soothe redness or swelling. 
  • Avoid excessive heat, intense exercise, and hot baths or showers for 24-48 hours

SkinMedica Peels

We’re proud to offer award-winning peels designed by SkinMedica to help you achieve your desired outcome. These treatments are a great option for people struggling with skin imperfections at varying levels, such as lines, wrinkles, and dullness.

The Iluminize peel by SkinMedica is designed to address superficial concerns and improve the overall appearance of your skin. It exfoliates the outermost layers of your skin to diminish the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin tone. It can also unclog your pores to reveal a brighter and more radiant complexion. This is a great option for people who want a treatment with no downtime.

Vitalize by SkinMedica exfoliates the outer layers of your skin to reveal a smoother, more radiant complexion. Using a blend of acids it can gently remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and promote new cell growth. As this happens, fine lines and wrinkles appear diminished due to the improved skin texture, creating a brighter, more youthful glow. 

The Rejuvenize peel by SkinMedica is a deeper chemical peel designed to address more pronounced signs of aging. It uses a potent blend of exfoliating acids to aggressively penetrate the skin, removing damaged outer layers, stimulating collagen production, and revealing a smoother, more refreshed complexion. Due to its deeper penetration, this peel typically requires more downtime compared to the Vitalize Peel.

VI Peels

We’ve proudly partnered with the Vitality Institute to offer their 6 different VI Peels, which are safe for all skin types and tones. Combining a blend of acids, they work to exfoliate and gently resurface your skin, revealing a smoother and softer texture. Each peel works at a different level depending on the acid type, acid concentration, the solution’s pH, and how long the peel stays on the skin. 

Chemical Peels Pre & Post Care

We advise you to follow a specific set of care guidelines to help provide a smooth, safe procedure and increase the longevity of your treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for 2 weeks.
  • Stop using blood thinners.
  • Don’t wax, bleach, or tweeze the area for 1 week.
  • Stop using exfoliating products.

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for 4 weeks.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive sweating.
  • Avoid using harsh products and cleanse your skin gently.

Clinical Results with Medical-Grade Skincare

Medical-grade skincare has a higher concentration of active ingredients than traditional products. Some benefits include:

  • Long-term skin health: Regular use can improve skin and prevent future issues. 
  • Clinically proven: Intense scientific testing enhances their efficacy.
  • Tailored solutions: Products target specific issues, e.g., acne, fine lines, etc.

Brighter Skin for a Brighter You

Ready to dramatically improve the appearance of your skin? Schedule a consultation to learn more about our treatment options.

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Our Services & Treatments

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Our Locations

Miami, FL

  • 8181 NW 14 St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300
  • Miami, FL 33126
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 4:00 PM

Orlando, FL

  • 7600 Dr. Phillips Blvd Suite 58
  • Orlando, FL 32819
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 4:00 PM

Atlanta, GA

  • 1100 Lake Hearn Dr NE, 3rd Floor, Suite 300
  • Atlanta, GA 30342
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
Saturday :


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